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Writer's pictureMandy Young

The Hunter becomes the Hunted

Updated: Jul 25, 2020

Weekly Wilderness Webinar 7


These were some of the Life Insights gained from a heartwarming encounter between a Lioness and a Zebra mother and her calf.


We watched a newborn zebra calf being born. In a few minutes it was standing, ready to run and fight for survival. There was a young lioness stalking in the bushes, she too had cubs and needed to feed them. The hunt began with a lion pride attacking a zebra herd. Each fighting for survival. The lioness caught the newborn zebra, and holding on to the young one by its neck, trying to complete the kill, the courageous zebra mother intervened, freed her newly born, and kicked out to chase off the lion.

So the first life insight gained was that in the game of survival there are several factors that combine for success or failure: the use of the environment, personal preparedness and good conditioning, and the value of being a part of a pride of a herd.

The same is true for us, when we enter the battle of life, we need to be in good condition and practise good self - care on all levels - with our health, energy levels, emotional maturity and spiritual integrity.

We need to use our 'environment' to our advantage, whether it be for stealth - preparedness for action or to hide - from the onslaught or just to rest and recover.


There was a strong focus on the mother zebra recovering her child from the jaws of the lion.

As a group of participants, we were admiring of her wholehearted supernatural courage and agreed together that is the kind of mindset we need to protect 'our baby', whether it literally is a child and we are the parent, or when we have just birthed a new idea or project.

We agreed that in order to have the same kind of wholehearted supernatural courage the zebra mother instinctively showed, we need a be passionate about 'our baby'. Passion comes from knowing ourselves who we are, what we like, and what we don't like. Passion comes when we value ourselves and the dreams we are striving for. With that kind of passion, we will be able to overcome the obstacles for 'survival' that come our way.

Claire mentioned that this kind of courage has been shown by many health care workers as they struggle selflessly to help others survive the covid-19 virus.


There was some compassion towards the lioness who also had her cubs to feed.

We recognized that in competition sometimes there can only be one winner, someone who gets the prize or wins the race, but that does not mean we should give up. We should pick ourselves up, shake off the struggles of the previous competition event, and prepare ourselves for the next. That is what survival and success are all about. There is no such thing as failure, just lessons learnt for future success.

There was a brief discussion around abuse, because it seemed unfair that a big, adult lioness, was taking on a baby zebra calf. The battle seemed unequal in the balance of strength and maturity.

We agreed this was not an act of abuse in the animal world, as this is the way of the wild. The weaker of a species are hunted and taken out, to increase the genetic strength of the those in the pride or herd that survive.

However in the human species when an adult or stronger person exploits those weaker or younger this is abuse. The difference between us and how wild animals behave is the intent behind the action. With wild animals, the intent Is it for survival as was the case with both lioness and the zebra mother, but with humans, abuse happens because the intent is greed, not self-protection; to have more so that others have less - less dignity, less freedom, less love or protection - just because one person is more wealthy or more strong or equipped for violence than another.

Please join us on the next Weekly Wilderness Webinar this Thursday at 12.30 (GMT +1) to learn some amazing takeaway, life-changing insights as we focus on


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